Sometimes the people in our lives remind us of all the good there is around us.
A mutual friend, other hardworking women, a connection... and then, the gift. Sometimes we don't even realize that the small connections put in our path are really part of a bigger picture waiting to happen. My long time precious friend, Jodi Lawler, gave me a gift and her name is Stephanie Butler.
Two women just growing their businesses... who knew?
Stephanie is the owner and operator of Rayen Studios. An amazing photography business that she created as she juggled her family life as wife and mom of two small children. Stephanie and I came together, one woman supporting another. She would help me by taking the Spring shoot and I would help her by giving her the photo credits. That day came and was full of so much more. Great girls, lots of laughs, new friendships and as you can see... great pictures!!! What an eye Stephanie has. She worked countless hours taking pics and editing to put together a shoot that POM would use just days later for marketing materials, website photos and the main modeling pics that would give buyers their first impression of the Spring line at the recent Gift Show in Atlanta.
It amazes me when women come together, what women can do. Stephanie is the real deal. She puts her heart into her business like so many of us do. Watching her work so hard at her business while supporting me in mine inspires me and helps me to see, once again, that the gift in everything we do is the people that life brings us. Don't ever forget to look for the gifts that come your way... They aren't always in a box. :)
To contact Stephanie Butler for photography inquiries, please visit her website @www.rayenstudios.com. Her tag line on her website is: YOU inspire me. That's funny because that's what she did for me! :) Thank you Stephanie! You ROCK! :) xoxo