about the pom girl

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gone to the Dogs...

Yep, and we mean it! $5 of EVERY "Buddy Tee" sold will go to a fabulous animal charity! Marissa May, from ABC's The Bachelorette, approached POM about partnering with her on her quest to help some animals and a great cause! I love me some animals myself, so I couldn't be more excited about this one!!! So tell your friends, kids, your family and even people you pass on the street! Ha!
We wanna help! Read on if you wanna help too! Marissa put this together for us so we can learn more about her passion for this and where your $ is going! Spread the LOVE! LOVE it. :))

Hi POM fans! Some of you may recognize me from my support of POM, but if you don’t, my name is Marissa and I learned all about POM right before I went on last season of ABCs The Bachelor. I was proud to sport POM during my stint on the show…my only regret was that I wasn’t on long enough to wear more!

I am now teaming up with POM one more time to help out a charity in need. In October, I’m partaking in a charity event that I hope you all can help me raise funds for. Reality Rescue Festival (realityrescuefestival.com) is a weekend event bringing together a BUNCH of reality TV personalities to help out an animal rescue, Southern Comfort Animal Rescue. Southern Comfort Animal Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that rescues and rehomes abused, unwanted and abandoned companion animals. Since 2001, SoCo has been filling a critical need. In fact, this sanctuary is the only shelter/animal control for all of Wheeler County. In April 2011, the rescue suffered a devastating fire and is currently closed until they can rebuild. This is where I ask you all to help me, help this shelter.

I am raising funds to help get this rescue back on its feet so it can continue to do its amazing work, by fulfilling a need this county has.

Being that POM is based in Georgia, I reached out to them since the event directly benefits their community. Of course, POM was eager to help! We have created the “Buddy” tee and $5 of every tee sold will go straight to SoCo Rescue! The shirts are super comfy, super cute and are going to a great cause!

I know times are tough, so if you aren’t able to assist by purchasing a shirt but are interested in helping out with my venture, please go to my website www.msmarissamay.com and my blog post on the event will list multiple ways to help outside of purchasing a shirt.

Thank you in advance for your support and help!

Marissa A. May